A downloadable game for Windows

L.O.T.U.S. is a top-down 2d dungeon-exploration game, created as my official entry into the GitHub Game-Off Game Jam, 2022.

As a sightless understudy to the famed Martin Pluth (Head Architect & Investigator of Pluth Exploratory School for the Blind), you've been taught how to harness an incredibly powerful tool.

And it's a good thing, too.

Martin's been kidnapped, and is being held at ransom until the School turns over a sum of proprietary blueprints to the world's most valuable dig sites.

It'll be up to you to navigate your way and rescue Martin, relying on the skills he's taught you over the many years together. But beware, there's not much oxygen when you're underground...

~~~~~Dev Notes ~~~~~

The Theme of this Game Jam was cliches; and mine is based upon "The Blind Leading the Blind", I hope you enjoy it!
  • This has been my first game that I've developed from start to finish. While it was a solo project, I'd like to give credit to the wonderful creators at itch.io, without whom many of my art assets would not exist :)
  • The soundtrack is of my own creation, which is a space I'd like to begin exploring more in my next game.
  • Should you find any detrimental bugs or flaws with the game, please drop me a note @ cdaly3.exe@gmail.com
  • If you've made it this far; thank you so much for checking out my project! - Chris


LOTUS_windows.zip 30 MB

Install instructions

Just download the zip file and extract both files to wherever you'd like to store the game. A local file will be created in the program's app_userdata folder, which stores your best times. DO NOT TOUCH THIS FILE. THE CONTENTS ARE BINARY SERIALIZED AND WILL BREAK IF YOU EDIT THEM